I will be scheduling just 7 of the 1 day hands-on horse chiropractic "how to" technique clinics in 2025. Three of these 1 day clinics are already taken. Just 4 left as of 12-25-24. The clinic is 9 hours of hands-on training at your barn. Flat rate of $1500.00 total. For that price you can invite anyone you want at no additional cost. In that time I cover 36 different horse chiropractic techniques and how to do them, step-by-step. Neck (and poll), mid back, dorsals, lumbars, pelvis, SI joint, hips, tail, legs, and jaw. Plus the evaluations. Plus you will learn the Pre-Race-Adjusting sequence that can shave fractions off the time by making the horse more efficient. This is not a certification course, it carries no legal weight, and it's only available in a few states. The only way to schedule a clinic is to call me. 708-744-6325. Daniel Kamen, D.C., author of The Well Adjusted Horse.
I highly recommend Caroline Lindsay's course in the UK.
I also recommend Caroline Lindsay's new book, The Art & Science of Developing Postural Control for Horse Riding.
FREE Horse And Dog Chiropractic Technique Videos.
Email. dkamen4492@aol.com 708-744-6325
Now scheduling live horse chiropractic technique demonstrations at your barn or event. Not available in all states. Flat fee. Call for details. As of 4-17-23, my private horse chiropractic clinic schedule is filled for 2023. No further clinics will be scheduled until 2024.
Horse Chiropractic Book. The Well Adjusted Horse. U.S. Orders.
Dog Chiropractic Book. The Well Adjusted Dog. U.S. Orders.
Veterinary Class 3B Cold Lasers From $595. Veterinary Class 4 Lasers. $3295. Another class 4 laser company sells this exact laser for $5995. We have the best prices on veterinary lasers anywhere!
Equine Chiropractic 1 Day Hands-On Clinics At Your Barn. Not available in all states. Call Dr. Kamen for details at 708-744-6325. Flat rate of $2,000 to $4,000.00, depending on distance. Payment before the start of the clinic. That price includes 8 hours of hands-on, one-on-one instruction each day, my travel expenses, equine chiropractic workbook, and videos. Only one set of materials is given out, but you can invite up to 5 other people at no extra charge. Only 2 more clinics will be booked for the remainder of 2022. None for 2023.
I highly recommend this Equine Massage Certification Program. https://www.therasageemc.com
I will only be conducting private seminars. If you wish to schedule a private hands-on equine chiropractic technique clinic, please call me at 1-800-742-8433. Considering the current environment, I'm not sure when I'll be able to schedule a private clinic, possibly later this spring or summer. Daniel Kamen D.C.
NOTE: For chiropractors and veterinarians considering one of the animal chiropractic certification programs, I can only recommend one of these courses, the course offered at Parker College. I do NOT recommend any other certification course. And here's why.
I highly recommend world class physiotherapist Caroline Lindsay in the UK. Email:
We also sell high quality veterinary cold lasers and class IV lasers. Used by animal health care providers worldwide to treat muscle and joint conditions. Plus wound healing and pain. During my younger days. Waaaaay younger days! Dr. Daniel Kamen, D.C.Learn How To Adjust Horses From Dr. Daniel Kamen, D.C., Author Of The Well Adjusted Horse, The Well Adjusted Dog, and The Well Adjusted Cat. We sell very affordable cold lasers to help heal horse and dog injuries. www.vetrolaser.com Class IV lasers, too. www.vetrolaser4.com
Recent Equine Chiropractic Article.
The hands-on equine chiropractic seminars are designed to teach full body adjusting techniques in an effort to restore normal joint function. Any diagnosis or actual treatment will be performed by a veterinarian from that state. All of the equine chiropractic seminars I conduct are supervised by a licensed veterinarian. I rarely conduct seminars anymore and limit each one to 20 registrants. These seminars are not certification courses and carry no legal weight as far as allowing registrants to adjust horses other than their own. These seminars are not geared to make practitioners out of anyone, but to simply get a better understanding of equine chiropractic and how the adjustments are performed. Check your state laws before inquiring about registering for a seminar. Seminars not conducted where prohibited by law. Dr. Daniel Kamen, D.C. is the author of The Well Adjusted Dog, The Well Adjusted Horse, and The Well Adjusted Cat. Dr. Kamen graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1981, the same year he adjusted his first horse and dog. Since then Dr. Kamen went on to develop numerous animal chiropractic techniques and has conducted over 400 animal adjusting seminars worldwide. Dr. Kamen completed the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association's certification course in 1993.
Loads of horse chiropractic technique, anatomy, muscle work, and equine conditions. Best seller. Available on Amazon or on vetrolaser.com. Signed by the author.
My first book. Lots of dog chiropractic technique including information on canine bladder control and how to prevent canine hip dysplasia. Best seller. Amazon. Vetrolaser.com. Signed by the author.
The Well Adjusted Cat is only available on Amazon Kindle. I own the last two hard copies. Note: This book was not a best seller. I knew it wouldn't sell nearly as well as the horse or dog book. Id told my first publisher I'd like to change the title to "How To Adjust Your Cat And Seven Other Martial Arts." He rejected it.
Me during my younger days. Way, way, younger days!